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Self tie bowtie

手結び​式 蝶ネクタイ

Self tie bowtie specimen, black satin,手結び蝶ネクタイ標本, 黒繻子版
Self tie bow tie specimen, color edition 手結び蝶ネクタイ標本 色柄版

A self-tie bow tie is a bow tie tied by hand. The self-tie bow tie's paper patterns were improved in the 20th century to make it easy to tie a Basic-bow-knot .
Because this type is sewed in the shape of a butterfly beforehand, it can be tied relatively easily. It is best when you want to quickly materialize a Basic Bow Knot shape and its unique texture.
In the category within our brand, the Easy self-tie and the Short self-tie series fulfills this purpose (photo below).




Easy type self tie bowtie 簡易式 手結び蝶ネクタイ

On the other hand, tracing back to its origin and history, the primary self-tie bow ties which were made in the late nineteenth century had elements of flexibility owing to the simple shaped patterns. You can create various tying knots with one bow tie and adjust the width with this type.


In our Brand, we see the essence of self-tie bow ties in these characteristics and made the Authentic series as reproduction bow ties.


Furthermore, we also offer the Tradiative Series which evolved from the Authentic series. “Tradiative” is a coined term that is a combination of Traditional and Creative.

一方で歴史を遡ると、19世紀後半頃の「初期の手結び蝶ネクタイ」には、「1本で様々な結び方ができる」、「結ぶ際の幅を調節できる」といった、単調なシルエットゆえの遊びの要素がありました。BOWTIE SPECIMENSでは、その部分に手結び蝶ネクタイの本質を見出し、復刻版「オーセンティック・シリーズ」として具現化しました。



Two-way type self tie bow tie 両様式 手結び蝶ネクタイ

Structure, Hardware.

The two most common types of bow ties are the Pre-tied and Self-tie bow ties. But there is also a third type, the Two-way bow tie that combines both functions. The Self-tie bow ties of BOWTIE SPECIMENS are also designed to fulfill the two-way type. You can remove the clasp without untying the knot, store it and wear it as pre-tied bow tie. (photo above).


蝶ネクタイは一般的に自分で結ぶ「手結び式」と、予め結び縫われてある「作り結び式」の2種類が知られていますが、その両方の機能を融合した「2WAY式」もあります。BOWTIE SPECIMENSの「手結び蝶ネクタイ」も「2WAY式」で、結んだ状態で留め金具を取り外すことができ、保管や持ち運びが可能です。

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