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Self tie bowtie Wide-square-end

手結び​式 蝶ネクタイ ワイドスクエアエンド形

Wide-square end refers to the Square end that is widened towards the end. It can be confirmed historically by portrait photographs as well. Because of the width it will produce an impressive silhouette of the knot. We propose Wide-square end 6cm and 8cm width type.


Wide Square End 6cm width

Historically this shape can be said to be the predecessor of Shaped-butterfly Self-tie bow tie which is prevalent today. Its advantage is that it can be tied in a classic and rugged silhouette. The wider the wing-parts, the more you need to get used to adjusting the shape.

ワイドスクエアエンド 6センチ幅

歴史的にこの形状は、現在一般的に普及している「バタフライ形 手結び蝶ネクタイ」の前身とも言えます。クラシックで無骨なシルエットに結べるところが魅力です。幅広になるほど、結び目の形を整えるのに、慣れが必要となってきます。

Wide Square End 8cm width

This shape can be tied into a more exaggerated silhouette compared to the 6cm width type.  The wider the wing-parts, the more you need to get used to adjusting the shape, but it is a design that allows you to enjoy such characteristics.

ワイドスクエアエンド 8センチ幅


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Historical photo source : public domain, etc

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